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AP English and stuff like that.

Next week is finals week. Hoop-ha-hooray! Don’t be fooled by that exclamation mark though, because I am not happy. Not only do I not feel ready, but once we are done with the tests we juniors have to go back to our non-profits. In the same week!

Oh yeah, prom is on the Friday of that week. Plus I have an ACLU meeting to go to…on Friday night. I mean come on! Whatever, I’ll deal with it.

But in good news, I’ll be taking AP English next year!! Hell yea baby. I can’t wait for college level reading and discussions. And my teacher for next year is hella awesome. He’s a hardcore kind of reader. You know the type that loves to read…a lot. That’s all good though because I feel like this may be the class I’ve been craving to take. No more kids who don’t appreciate great literature. Goshers.

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